Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for December 2024.
Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6a garden in central Indiana, we went from a slow, meandering fall that seemed like it would go on for quite a while to…
….welcome winter!
With its cold—some nights and mornings have been in the teens—and bits of snow, though honestly, there has been nothing snow-wise to write much about, yet.
Outside, as one can imagine, there isn’t much bloom to see, so I thought I’d start indoors with some waxed amaryllis bulbs.
These are the very same waxed bulbs that Dee Nash and I have been talking about on the podcast for weeks. We may even have persuaded a few other people to get some too. (Which episode, you ask? Any of the last three or four, I think.)
Elsewhere indoors, I’m still enjoying a vase full of lavender that I picked in November.
I’m also keeping watch on the poinsettia I over-summered and brought back inside. It has just a tiny bit of color so far.
There are actually four leaves coloring up, and I’ve done nothing special so far except put it in a south-facing window, per the instructions of Daisy Thompson Abbott.
I also followed instructions to get my Lego Poinsettia to flower!
Now, bundle up and let’s go outside where just two flowers are blooming.
Some snowdrops…
And some Christmas roses, Helleborus niger.
The Christmas roses were much prettier last month.
And now, for the first time ever, I present my “garage flowers!” I cut back some pelargoniums late in the fall and stuck them in the garage. They get virtually no light and no water but still managed to flower a bit.
There are also some violas flowering in the garage!
Last week when it got really cold, I remembered these pots of violas were still outside, so I grabbed them and put them in the bed of the truck where they’ll stay until I clear out some space to set them somewhere in the garage. They are still blooming so they count for Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day!
What’s blooming in your gardening for this middle-of-the-month round-up of flowers that I called Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day back in 2007? We’d love to see! Join in by posting on your blog or social media or wherever you post online, then come back here and leave a link in the Mr. Linky widget so we know where to find you and a comment to tell us what you have.
All are welcome!
“We can have flowers nearly every month of the year.” ~ Elizabeth Lawrence
(For more tidbits about my garden, check out my weekly newsletter, In the Garden with Carol.)