Updated 2024.09.13
Earth Angels are human beings who follow a calling to bestow Angelic-like assistance to others on Earth. They are a light in times of darkness.
Typically, Earth Angels appear in the 11th hour and save the day, often with impeccable, Divine Timing.
Earth Angels channel Divine Energy through themselves to answer the prayers of those who call on them. They intuitively hear this calling and instinctively act on the impulse to do what is needed to support other earthlings in the perfect way.
While their actions definitely are heroic, their forms of assistance do not always appear outwardly heroic. Their actions usually include seemingly minor, split second decisions that do not require a lot of thought to execute, as Earth Angels act upon Divine Inspiration.
Each Earth Angel has a different way they help others. They usually use their unique Earthly training and experiences to help others who need their assistance.