Some of the best things about spider plants is that they are known for being very easy to take care of. It looks like these striped green friends grow and reproduce very quickly, and they even do well with very little care. They still need a little care and attention, though.
Seeing the tips of your spider plant’s leaves turn brown and crispy is one of the best ways to tell it needs some care. There are several things that can cause the tips of your spider plant to turn brown, and your plant may have one or more of them. There is good news: all of them are pretty simple to fix with some simple spider plant care.
Once you know what might be making the tips of your spider plants turn brown, follow these tips. They will look bright and new again in no time!
Too much direct sunlight
The first thing you should check is whether your spider plant is suffering because it is in full sunlight. This is by far the easiest problem to fix.
There is some sunshine that spider plants like, but they don’t like direct sunlight. They won’t be grateful that you put them on a sunny ledge.
Their leaves will lose their color and get brown tips if they are in direct sunlight. Spider plants do well in shady places because they like it when it’s damp. Also, they don’t like it when it’s too hot, so if they are in full sunlight, they will suffer.
One easy way to take care of spider plants is to move them out of direct sunlight. They will be able to handle some shade, but their long, striped leaves will do better in the sun.
Not enough humidity
Spider plants do best in damp places, like a kitchen or bathroom that is always hot. It’s possible for spider plants to get brown tips if they are in a very dry place, like above a heater.
If the brown tips on your spider plant showed up in the winter, it might be because it wasn’t getting enough water. When you turn up the heat all the way, the air inside your home gets very dry, which is bad for your spider plant.
You can fix this by moving your spider plant to a more wet room, like the bathroom or kitchen. You could also group your plants together, as they will release water into the air.
You can also put a damp tray under your plant. This tray is made of rocks and has a little water at the bottom. It will work whether you put it next to or under your plant. It makes the air around your spider plant more humid as the water disappears. The rocks are there to keep your plant from hitting the water.
If your house is very dry, you can give your spider plant better care by misting it every once in a while.
Too much or too little water
Your spider plant can get brown tips whether it is not getting enough water or too much water.
You are not giving your spider plant enough water if you let the soil dry out completely between sprays. Even if you water your spider plant often, the soil will quickly dry out if it is in a warm or dry place, like above a heater. This means that you will need to water it often.
The leaves of your spider plant should not look limp if you are not giving it enough water. Spider plant tips can turn brown if you let this happen over and over again.
If you leave your plants in too much water, on the other hand, the roots will start to rot. Roots are what take in water for plants, so this can make the plant not get enough water, which can turn the tips of spider plants brown.
Root rot can kill your spider plant if you don’t take care of it. If you think that your plant is suffering because you water it too much, you should do something about it!
How to solve
Take your spider plants out of their pots and brush the dirt off the roots to check for root rot. You will have to cut out any rotten roots. Get rid of as much of the dirt as you can because it has microbes that are making the roots rot. After that, put new dirt in the pot.
Follow these two important spider plant care tips to keep this from happening. First, make sure that the pot your plants are in has enough drainage holes. Second, make sure you check on your plant 20 minutes after you water it and pour out any extra water that’s still in the dish so your plant doesn’t sit in water.
If the damage to the roots is too bad, your plant might not get better. But spider plants are known for growing quickly and having many new plants grow from their roots. So, even in the worst case, it’s likely that some of the plants that grew from your original one will live on!
The best way to keep your plant happy is to water it at the right time every day. If you want to water your stripy friend, wait until the top inch of dirt is dry. In the summer, you should water your plant more often because it will be growing faster and the heat will dry out the soil faster.
Curly Spider Plant & Eco Coconut Pot
Too much fluoride in the water
Some places have water that already has a lot of fluoride in it, while other places add fluoride to the water to help keep teeth from getting cavities.
When plants get too much fluoride, it can hurt them. This could be another reason why the tips of your spider plant leaves are going brown.
If the water you use has a lot of fluoride in it, it can build up in the plant and cut down on photosynthesis. It’s not likely that this will kill your plant, but it can be poisonous and turn the tips of your spider plant brown.
If you don’t want your spider plant to get brown tips, water it with rainwater instead. You could also flush the plants’ dirt with water on a regular basis to get rid of the extra fluoride.
To do this, take your spider plant outside and slowly pour rainwater into the soil of the plant from a big saucer. Allow it to drain through the dirt and out of the pot’s bottom. Do this two more times.
Excessive fertiliser
If the brown tips of your spider plant are making you want to fertilize it, STOP! If something is wrong, fertilizer might be the reason.
Too much fertilizer can turn the tips of your spider plant brown, just like too much salt can. This is because too much fertilizer can hurt the roots of the plant and stop it from getting nutrients from the dirt.
The same flushing method mentioned above can be used to treat spider plants that have been given too much fertilizer. Do this three times in the next few weeks. You can also put the plant in a new pot with fresh dirt.
Do not use too much fertilizer; instead, use only half as much as the box says to. Plants inside grow more slowly than plants outside, so they need less fertilizer. Don’t fertilize your plant more than three times a year, and only do it when it’s growing. This is most of the time from spring to fall.
To stop the cause of your spider plant’s brown tips, all you have to do is follow our helpful spider plant care tips. These care tips will not get rid of brown tips on the plants’ leaves, though. These are dead parts of the leaves that can’t live again.
Get a pair of sharp scissors ready to cut off the brown tips of your plant. Then, clean them with hot water or cleaning alcohol to keep them from getting germs, and cut off the brown tips of the spider plant.
You might want to cut the leaf at an angle to keep the pointy end, but this will make the wound bigger and more likely to get infected, so we don’t suggest it. If only a few leaves have brown tips, you might want to pull the whole leaf off. Try to pull the leaf off from the base so that the whole leaf comes off.
Now that you know more about spider plants, you can take better care of your favorite striped friend and keep it safe.
Should I Cut The Brown Tips Off My Spider Plant?
As was already said, cutting off the leaf tips is a very usual thing to do. This makes the plant look better and won’t hurt it as long as only a small amount is taken off.
How Often Should You Water A Spider Plant?
Different types of plants will need different amounts of water. The type of heat, the length and intensity of the seasons, the usual amount of light, and many other things will also have a big effect on the inside of a house. You can tell when the plant is thirsty by feeling it with your hand. Every few days, check the dirt to get a sense of how it varies.
What is my spider plant’s white fuzz?
Powder mildew is most likely what the white stuff on your spider plant is. These are the fungi that give the plant its name. They cover the leaves and twigs with something that looks like powdered sugar.
What Are The Little Flies Around My Spider Plant?
Fusus gnats (Sciaridae) may be the little flies that hang out around your spider plant. Like mosquitoes, these flies are dark and delicate-looking, and their wings are clear.
What Does An Overwatered Spider Plant Look Like?
If you give a spider plant too much water, the leaves will droop and turn yellow, brown, or curl up.
Should I Remove Yellow Leaves From My Spider Plant?
Yes, you should take off any spider plant leaves that are yellow. This will let the plant put its energy into making its leaves healthy.
Why Do Spider Plant Leaves Droop?
Spider plant leaves can droop for a number of reasons, such as dry soil, low humidity, high heat or cold, root rot, and diseases.