After the release of my twenty-fourth book, I finally got myself a desktop computer and ergonomic working situation. I loved carrying my laptop everywhere, to bed, to my breakfast table, and even when I cooked I would have it nearby.

Yet my fingers, my hands, and my back actually did not appreciate this work habit of mine. Recently, I scared myself as my hands and fingers hurt a lot and I had to go to the doctor.

It was not the doctor or myself but Zara my PR who recognized the reason behind my pain. The doctor found no reasons as he said not to overwork myself. I took a break from my work for a week while I rested my fingers.

I came home and there I found a new setup made by my two close friends.

They took the lead as they gifted me a new desktop, a new ergonomic keyboard, mouse, table, and chair, all facing the amazing San Diego harbor.

This gift I would have not bought for myself as I always think why waste money on myself? This world needs so much and I don’t want to spend it on myself. If I don’t need a new pair of pajamas, I will not buy it. I feel like it’s just not right when I can make it through with what I have.

Yet it felt really good typing on this new desktop as my hands and back appreciated the fact that I did not have to worry about any symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome or pain.

I realized sometimes in life we have to take a break from work and all the stress of life.

Similarly, we must give our bodies a break from things that might be harmful to our health. It’s true we need to take a break before we break down.

My father had told me at a very young age to always wear the most comfortable shoes and clothes. He would say comfort before style. I had forgotten that simple message as I had struggled through this lonely path of life alone. For comfort, peace, joy, and happiness, I found my own path and became an author.

Through the pages of my books, I have given hope and confidence to people around the globe. I strive to find that one person who needs comfort through my books of songs. Through my Kasteel Vrederic world, I give you faith in the beyond. Through my social awareness books, I make you aware of the pain and suffering your neighbors experience all by themselves even though they smile and exchange gratitudes.

I have not forgotten the little ones as I have introduced them to the seven continents of this one world through paranormal exciting bedtime stories within my children storybook I call Enchanted Tales: A Kasteel Vrederic Storybook For Children.

Find my books and I promise you will find something you will like for yourself and something you will like to gift a friend.

I write for you to find the needed comfort, the spiritual guidance, and the gift of paranormal adventures through the seven continents of this world.

Today, I found out I too need some help from others to make sure I am not sacrificing myself. I call my sacrifice a gift to this world yet I am blessed as I found out this world has sent me some very special individuals who are always there when I need them the most.

Will I go out and buy myself some luxury items? No, I probably won’t. That’s just me. Maybe one day I will, but not today as I would rather gift you one of my books for I know you need them. I know they will comfort you when you are lonely or lost. I know they will be there for you at the time of your need.

So with this I will say, I am blessed I have authored the books I know have helped all of you around the globe.

I pray I will author many more for all of you as I have a lot of books lined up to be released soon.

Today I would like to say, please take some time and see if you have the comfortable shoes, or the ergonomic keypad, or the new set of eyeglasses that you need. Don’t sacrifice yourself with these basic necessities as life gives us no break. We only move forward with or without pain. Ignorance is a blessing but not always, for don’t ignore yourself.

After my tearjerker novel Shattered Wings: Diary Of A Child Bride, now I have released my latest book, another heartwarming tale.

This story is based in New Orleans, Louisiana, a place very close to my inner heart. This gothic paranormal novel will take you through the eras of 1864 to the twenty-first century, as through my books you can travel time. This amazing book will make you cry, it will make you laugh, it will make you believe in true love stories which live throughout time and do not die with the human bodies for true love lives on eternally.

This book will also tell you, three is not always a crowd, like the name of the novel which is The Bride, The Groom, And The Ghost. I loved writing this book and I will always love this book eternally. It is a very heartwarming tale.

Read it with your loved ones, gift it to your loved ones as this book you want to read and share with your friends. You will talk about the book and The Bride, The Groom, And The Ghost throughout time.

Remember if you need a break, go through my library of books.

They are all listed on my website and are available on Amazon, so just pick one out that you would love to read tonight. I hope you all had a wonderful day today and have a blessed day always. Do keep me in your thoughts and prayers as that’s all a friend can hope to get as a gift from a friend.

Thank you to my two wonderful friends for gifting me my new computer and desk as I love it. The title of this blog post is “Twenty-Four Books Later.” I realized now it’s time I need a desktop and an ergonomic working space, and I am blessed I have it because of my two dear friends.

All of you my dear friends, I have my books as my gifts to you. It would be a blessing and a gift to me when I see all of you have read my books and loved them or they gave you love and much-needed comfort.

Sending my love and blessings.

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