Take-Two’s troubles and why Xbox console sales don’t matter | GI Microcast

You can now download or watch the latest episode of the GI Microcast, our weekly quick dive into the biggest stories of the past week.

This week, we discuss the reported troubles at Take-Two with claims that indie-focused label Private Division, Rollerdrome developer Roll7 and Kerbal Space Program 2 studio Intercept Games were all affected (and, in some cases, closed) by the planned 580 layoffs.

We also reflect on Microsoft’s most recent financials, the decline in Xbox hardware sales, and why there is so much more to talk about with the platform holder than how many boxes it has sold. And Chris got caught up in the ‘frames per second’ debate, which gives us a good excuse to remind you of upcoming editorial event GI Sprint.

You can watch via the player below, download the audio podcast version here, or subscribe to our podcast feed, available via Spotify, iTunes, Amazon Music, CastBox, Player FM, TuneIn and other widely-used podcast platforms.

Video versions of the Microcast can be found on the GamesIndustry.biz YouTube channel, or via this playlist.

Episode edited by Alix Attenborough.

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