I Am Laura Kipnis-Bot, and I Will Make Reading Sexy and Tragic Again

When a flattering email arrived inviting me to participate in an AI venture called Rebind that…

The Secret to Living Past 120 Years Old? Nanobots

I’ve had many conversations over the years about life extension, and the idea often meets resistance.…

If Ray Kurzweil Is Right (Again), You’ll Meet His Immortal Soul in the Cloud

You put a stake in the ground with your book The Singularity Is Near. This one…

How to Lead an Army of Digital Sleuths in the Age of AI

Eliot Higgins and his 28,000 forensic foot soldiers at Bellingcat have kept a miraculous nose for…

Indian Voters Are Being Bombarded With Millions of Deepfakes. Political Candidates Approve

On a stifling April afternoon in Ajmer, in the Indian state of Rajasthan, local politician Shakti…

I Went Undercover as a Secret OnlyFans Chatter. It Wasn’t Pretty

I liked the idea that my foremost duty as an OnlyFans chatter should be to comfort…

Meet the Woman Who Showed President Biden ChatGPT—and Helped Set the Course for AI

one day in March 2023, Arati Prabhakar brought a laptop into the Oval Office and showed…