A Guide to Garden Fairies Inside Your House – Carol J. Michel

Who hasn’t had a few garden fairies get inside their house? It happens, and depending on…

Garden Fairies Discuss Their Day – Carol J. Michel

Garden fairies here. We are garden fairies and it took us almost all day to alert…

Free Plants! – Carol J. Michel

I apologize for the click-bait title for this blog post. What I meant the title to…

Protocol for Rain! – Carol J. Michel

Yes, it is raining, so what better time to write a guide for how to proceed…

Garden Fairies Share Exciting News – Carol J. Michel

Garden fairies here! We are garden fairies and we would like to share the exciting news…

FOMOOP – Carol J. Michel

The Fear of Missing Out On Plants (FOMOOP) is real. My youngest sister comes down with…

Garden Fairies Now Want… – Carol J. Michel

Garden fairies here! We are garden fairies and we have done an outstanding job this spring…

How to Spot Hard-to-See Weeds in Your Garden – Carol J. Michel

Weeding is a necessary task for every gardener, especially in the spring, though summer and fall…