Keep your kettle whistling all year round by growing your own tea plants

The typical backyard food grower is familiar with planting greens, tomatoes, peppers, squash, herbs, berries and…

Getting rid of poison ivy is a serious matter. What you should and shouldn’t do

For all the time I spend digging, planting, pulling and weeding, one would think I’d have…

Read This: Visionary: Gardens and Landscapes for Our Future

June 23, 2024 In 2019 I reviewed Australian photographer Claire Takacs‘s beautiful and engaging book Dreamscapes.…

PawPaws and Fireflies – Carol J. Michel

I noticed the first fireflies yesterday evening. They could very well have emerged before yesterday, but…

There are Three Gardeners Here – Carol J. Michel

There are three gardeners here.  Past Carol knows all the history of the garden, or most…

To Save or Savor? – Carol J. Michel

What shall I do in the garden today? It’s May, so there is quote a lot…

FOMOOP – Carol J. Michel

The Fear of Missing Out On Plants (FOMOOP) is real. My youngest sister comes down with…