Carolyn Hax chat: My boyfriend’s closest confidante is his on-again, off-again ex

Advice columnist Carolyn Hax answers your questions about the strange train we call life.

Carolyn Hax: Husband keeps pushing modest spouse to wear sexy clothes

Hello, Carolyn: My husband lately has been pushing strongly for me to dress sexier and more…

Carolyn Hax: Will request for a postnup offend much younger wife?

Dear Carolyn: I was married for the first time a year ago. At the time, I…

Carolyn Hax: A 10-year-old apology email finally gets read

Dear Carolyn: About 12 years ago, one of my closest and most important friendships imploded. Both…

Carolyn Hax: Can checking his phone prove he isn’t lying anymore?

Adapted from an online discussion. Dear Carolyn: I found out that my partner was lying to…

Carolyn Hax: Hyper-critical mom undermines her desire to be close

Adapted from an online discussion. Dear Carolyn: My mom really wants to be close to me…

Carolyn Hax: Mom’s boyfriend literally takes the back seat to her kid

Dear Carolyn: I’ve been dating my girlfriend for about two years now. She is a single…

Carolyn Hax: Can one spouse tell another to travel less for work?

Adapted from an online discussion. Hi, Carolyn: I’m writing this as I manage a level of…

Carolyn Hax: ‘Beautiful’ 4-year-old gets constant praise for her looks

Adapted from an online discussion. Dear Carolyn: My daughter is 4. She is funny, loves singing…

Carolyn Hax: Skeptical of therapy after ‘weird’ comment last time

Adapted from an online discussion. Dear Carolyn: I’m working up my nerve to seek therapy. Your…