Carolyn Hax: College kids without tracking apps make parent ‘anxious’

Dear Carolyn: We have two “kids,” 18 and 20. We used an app to track them…

Carolyn Hax: Family trips are ‘challenging’ with spouse and daughter

Adapted from online discussions. Dear Carolyn: How do I gently tell my spouse and daughter I…

Carolyn Hax: Sibling unravels over brother’s unexpected divorce

Dear Carolyn: My brother announced to the family three weeks before Thanksgiving that he and his…

Carolyn Hax: It’s ‘emasculating’ for her to flag husband’s spending?

Adapted from an online discussion. Dear Carolyn: I feel stuck and unable to communicate with my…

Carolyn Hax: 40-year ‘secret’ was out of the bag the whole time

Dear Carolyn: Forty years ago, a very close friend and I agreed to keep something we…

Carolyn Hax: Family clown hopes to pivot by offering sincere support

Hi, Carolyn: Sadly, my aunt is approaching the end of a multiyear terminal battle with cancer.…

Carolyn Hax: They want nothing to do with daughter’s cheating spouse

Dear Carolyn: My married daughter, a mother of four, discovered that her husband cheated on her…

Carolyn Hax: Parent pushes son to invite abusive mom to his wedding

Dear Carolyn: My son and his lovely fiancée are planning a fall wedding. I have been…

Carolyn Hax: If you’re happy alone, then why start a relationship?

Carolyn Hax is away. The following first appeared March 31, 2010, and has been lightly edited.…

Carolyn Hax: Who misses a brother’s wedding to play college football?

Carolyn Hax is away. The following first appeared July 30, 2010, and has been lightly edited.…