Carolyn Hax: Friend expects more child care than aging parents can give

Adapted from an online discussion. Dear Carolyn: I love my best friend since childhood dearly, but…

Carolyn Hax: Polyamorous daughter plans to adopt partners’ child

Dear Carolyn: For the last three years, my adult daughter has been in a polyamorous relationship…

Carolyn Hax: They are exes, roommates and at odds on how to be friends

Adapted from an online discussion. Hi, Carolyn: I’m living with my ex at the moment as…

Carolyn Hax chat: Dad thinks cancer survivor dyed hair purple for attention

Advice columnist Carolyn Hax answers your questions about the strange train we call life.

Carolyn Hax: Does a semi-nude massage cross a fidelity line?

Hi, Carolyn: I’ve been in a (same-sex) relationship with “Celia” for eight months. We have agreed…

Carolyn Hax: How to fix low self-esteem so it doesn’t tank a marriage?

Adapted from an online discussion. Dear Carolyn: I have always struggled with self-esteem. I don’t think…

Carolyn Hax: Post-divorce, Mom coos about her new love to her kid

Hi, Carolyn: My mom recently fell in love with someone she reconnected with from her college…

Carolyn Hax: Less gracious with age, or better at setting boundaries?

Adapted from an online discussion. Dear Carolyn: I sometimes worry that with age, I may be…

Carolyn Hax: ‘Secret bigot’ is good at pretending he’s not one

Adapted from an online discussion. Dear Carolyn: My husband always leaned right politically, but in the…

Carolyn Hax: His big sister will ‘throw a fit’ if he’s engaged first

Dear Carolyn: My boyfriend and I want to get engaged in the coming months, but his…