Revolutionary Genetic Testing Services : genetic testing service

FORE Genomics introduces FORESITE 360, a revolutionary genetic testing service aimed at empowering parents to manage their child’s health journey from the outset. Unlike traditional newborn screenings, FORESITE 360 offers a comprehensive analysis of over 20,000 genes, providing unparalleled insights into genetic predispositions and medication responses.

FORESITE 360 goes beyond mere disease screening to offer ongoing updates through annual re-analysis. This commitment to continuous learning ensures that families stay informed about their child’s health risks based on the latest genetic research findings. Through a non-invasive cheek swab, parents can access this genetic testing service.

Additionally, FORESITE 360 prioritizes clear communication and support, providing each family with a personalized session with a genetic counselor to discuss results and address concerns. In a world where parental concern for their child’s future is paramount, FORESITE 360 emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a proactive approach to pediatric healthcare that reshapes the landscape of genetic testing and healthcare decision-making.

Image Credit: FORE Genomics

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