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Ready-to-Drink Complete Meal Shakes : Power Shakes

Ready-to-Drink Complete Meal Shakes

The BOL Foods Power Shakes are a new product range from the UK-based plant-based meal brand that are formulated with the nutritional needs of consumers in mind. The shakes are targeted towards enjoyment in the morning hours as a breakfast and feature a whole foods formulation that’s achieved with a blend of nutrient-dense ingredients. This includes oats, bananas, dates, nuts and coconut. The shakes come in three flavors including Chocolate, Salted Caramel and Vanilla, which each come in 410-gram bottles with up to 22-grams of protein, no added sugar and 26 vitamins and minerals.

Founder and CEO Paul Brown spoke on the new BOL Foods Power Shakes saying, “The breakfast category is exploding, and we’re so excited to be innovating in this space and bringing busy people the ultimate wholefoods and protein packed solution. My morning usually starts with a workout and I’m always looking for a quick and healthy breakfast when on the move.”

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