Microscopy Image Analysis Softwares : image analysis software

ZEISS’ arivis Pro 4.2 is an advanced microscopy image analysis software that claims to enhance research capabilities significantly. The product will be useful to individuals who are looking for research assistance. The software promises to make advanced research more accessible and efficient — and therefore, potentially increase productivity and output. Dr. Sreenivas Bhattiprolu, Head of Digital Solutions at ZEISS, shares: “Our goal with arivis Pro 4.2 is to put the power of customization directly into the user’s hands.”

arivis Pro 4.2 offers AI-powered segmentation tools, 3D analysis features, and efficient handling of large datasets. These capabilities provide researchers with the flexibility to customize their workflows to meet specific analysis needs. By incorporating deep learning models and pre-trained segmentation tools, users can achieve precise image analysis without requiring coding skills. The image analysis software’s robust 3D capabilities are particularly valuable for applications like drug discovery, where comprehensive imaging insights are essential.

Image Credit: ZEISS

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