Mediate infusion of all differences to build the perfect balance of society, not exclusion to out balance the society. Inclusion not exclusion is where I begin my writing journey. Life is a journey where we live with failures. We learn to accept changes and appreciate success. Yet here in this time and period, I see racism, religious divisions, and cultural divisions explode into tiny invisible particles. They are landing all around the globe and are being accepted by all as the normalization part of growth.

This is the reason we the humans have walked backward and have become human animals prowling through the innocent and becoming humanity’s greatest threat. Here I want all of you to take a break and awaken yourselves. Let all race, color, and religious beliefs become mediators and in union let’s all mediate fusion.

Appreciate not criticize is the first step I took as I started my journey through humanity.

It was easy as I found when I had asked others for help they would criticize me. The first growth chapter in my life started with a dream where I asked my Lord why do people always criticize? I told him I was told criticism is a part of healthy growth but I stopped writing when I was told there are so many books you can just go and buy, why do you want to write one yourself?

The person who told me went ahead and wrote my story herself and had it published yet never told me about it, never appreciated nor approved my story, never once said what a nice story. She had not only rewrote my story, but she did show it to a person who had seen my story and felt guilt as she was the one who had sent it to her. I did not criticize her nor did I ask for any answers as I believe time answers all.

In my dream, however, I did cry and told my Lord.

He watched me and said, “Finish your songs. Write your stories and always spread positivity through words.”

I forgot about my dreams but I was reminded over and over again. I started to write my prayer songs. My songs are my prayer books for all race, color, and religion. Here I have infused all religions into one book of prayer songs, where no religion or religious belief separates you from your Creator. You can pray to your Creator through words that you would like to say and be heard. There is one Creator and one race, the human race. If we all enter through birth and exit through death, then why do we separate from one another and fight during our time on Earth? My heart says let’s mediate infusion and see how beautiful our prayer songs are together.

Grief, pain, and fear of what’s ahead of us separates us from walking ahead and takes us backward.

Yet our human minds convert our fears into anger and anxiety where we begin to spread blame games all around the globe. It’s easy to spread fear and hate where and when we lose our own grounds. At times it’s then we gather bigger crowds. Some come from the same grounds and spread the fire of hate even more as that’s the only way you find relief. You try to make yourself and all others believe it was not your fault but the fault of the invisible ghosts, the devil, or evil that had taken you to the wrong path, or at times you believe that by spreading anger you win. Now the fight you began is being fought by all others as you sit back and watch. You justify this action by saying it was not your fault but the fault of grief.

My advice is let’s not be the devil’s advocate but be the mediators of peace.

When grief enters your home, you can let it come and open the doors and windows to allow some fresh energy to enter. Grief will subside as you become the mediators and preach fusion of grief with understanding.

Death is a door stop we all need to understand as a normal stop of life. We the humans will exit this world at one point of our life. Yet as you start to live your life on Earth you forget you too as all creations of our Creator will enter this door. Then why are we all fighting on Earth about our personal religious beliefs, our racial identities, and are dividing amongst the human race? Did you all forget all creations, the humans, the animals, and the universe above and beyond are created by one Creator? All of this we the humans see, smell, hear, taste, and enjoy are created by the same Creator, not you nor I. Yet why are you then forcing everyone to walk and talk like you?

I hear you criticize other accents, other cultures, foods, or the way others live their lives.

They were all born on Earth just like you were. They live their lives their ways just like you live your life your way. I had a dream where I asked my Lord why He gave people so many religions as I know there is just one Creator.

He laughed and said, “There are so many fruits on Earth you can taste and try yet why don’t you eat all of them?”

I realized personally I can’t eat all of them as I am diabetic. Also, I don’t like all the different tastes and only eat what I like. It’s the cultural aspects that brings up a child to infuse his or her personal identity. A person like water is shaped like the bowl you place the liquid in. It’s not because of the water as all water is same and it only takes shape as it is placed in the containers.

I asked my Lord so it’s like all souls are the same. Pure and clean. Yet it’s our Earthly vehicles that make us the person we become. Yet we can all change and become the human you like to appreciate and respect. Mediate infusion into your life and include the personalities you admire and not the ones you fear. Look at the mirror and don’t criticize yourself but change yourself to be appreciated by your inner eyes.

The Earth today has become a house of division and disgrace as you the humans practice your own beliefs and expect all others to do the same.

Why is it we want everyone to do and practice what we do and practice? How could we all be the same person if our Lord created all of us differently? Why are we so certain we speak for our Lord and so all should speak and talk like we do?

We read different books, listen to different songs, and watch different movies all the time. Yet as we raise our hands to prayers we expect all hands to be of the same color, all prayers to be the same words, and all prayers should be recited at the same time and day.

Yet not all hands, colors, or words are the same. Not everyone can appear at the prayer tables at the same time or days. People are different, cultures are different, so prayers are different as are the precants. Then why do you expect all race, color, and religion to do and say as you do and say? Differences are good as they are gifts from our one Creator who had sat down and created us His creations to be different yet with His art and colors, He drew us with His own mind. I have to say start to understand and accept the difference as a gift from Heavens above.

Mediate differences, mediate infusions.

Across the globe, we like to see democracy, liberty, and justice prevail. Start practicing positive thinking and act positively. Awaken with compassion, love, and laughters. Live life with all different emotions and feelings. Include differences as a color in your palette of emotions. Inclusion makes sure you too are included in the palette of different colors across the globe, where religious beliefs won’t exclude you, where your skin color won’t exclude you, and where your cultural beliefs won’t exclude you.

For where you want the world to be is where you must begin the journey. I started to include all race, color, and religious beliefs into my books, my beliefs, and my life, as I wanted this one world to be one home for all of my Lord’s creations, where you can dance and sing your sweet songs your way.

As for myself, I will sing and dance with all of you. For never will I exclude any one of my Lord’s creations.

I always remember what if I excluded one person and criticized one, and that one person might have been my Creator, my Lord, knocking on my door that one time?

Walk with caution. Walk with care at all times. You don’t want to knock or be with the wrong group or on the wrong person’s door. Yet open your door, your heart to all. Start the journey alone as I had started my journey alone. I thought to myself it’s all right when you criticize me. I was criticized in 2017 for writing the world will face a deadly disease, where we will need a few injections to be healed.

In my book trailer, I had comments from more of you asking, “How do you know? Why do you call yourself a dream psychic?” My answer to you came in time not through my words of criticism. As I allowed you to criticize me, I knew it’s not for me to say anything. I wrote in my books, “Dreams are just that dreams, until they become reality” and they did become all of our reality in due time.

Yet your criticism remains and my words of warnings remain true throughout time. I only say don’t criticize if you can’t say anything nice. I don’t believe criticism is always constructive. Criticism could have stopped Van Gogh from painting and we would not have his amazing
“The Starry Night” or Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” from ever being if they too had listened to you the critic and never had written or painted.

Maybe today you can appreciate or say something nice to the new aspiring artist.

Let them flourish and not diminish through your criticism.

Live life with others. Share this one world with the others as the Lord created this world for all of his creations to live, laugh,and love. The world is big enough for all of the humans across the world to live their own ways in their own homes. We don’t need to push and shove our thoughts and ways on all others as that’s not what the Lord has done. Be empowered with empathy. Be the one who unites all differences, not the divider who divides all.

I will better my life with the word inclusion not exclusion. I will empower myself and all others as I practice and write about how to meditate infusion. Live this one life with laughter and love with all humans across the globe as you practice how to mediate infusion.

Sending my love and blessings!

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