“Fear not the obstacles of life,
Fear not the failures,
Fear not what is not found.
Learn from the obstacles,
Succeed after a failure,
Define the truth
As you find out what it is.”
-Ann Marie Ruby
Do all your plans go accordingly? Or do at times things just happen, and we pray and hope for the best? A vacation turned into a nightmare as COVID-19 hit one friend and then the others on a recent vacation trip preplanned for days. I got a call today. My friends, all of them checked negative for COVID-19. Somehow I thought Covid -19 was a horror story we had left behind. Yet the truth is it’s still a mystery we all must walk through. We must learn from the past and move on to the future with learned lessons of life. Those learned lessons are our life’s toughest survival tips.
In my life through numerous challenges, I was told to climb the mountain and then see the view from the top, not from the foothills.
I was told I would then realize what I was missing. Yet I wondered at the question and thought to myself, how would I climb the mountain and see the view when the mountain is so tall? It’s not even within my capacity! My survival tip is I don’t have to climb the mountain or cross the ocean to see the view as I will enjoy and appreciate what is within my reach. I will strive to climb the mountain and cross the ocean, but will be happy at the spot I stand upon today. The realization of how beautiful life is knocked upon my doors as I crossed the difficulties of life. My survival tip to all of you is never give up, but keep on walking forward with the learned lessons of life.
It’s okay if we can’t climb to the mountain top for we can enjoy the foothills of the mountain. It’s absolutely all right if we can’t cross the vast ocean as we can enjoy the waves crashing upon the banks on our own side. We can collect the sea shells and maybe send them across the ocean to the people on the other side. Build a bridge through friendship, not competition!
My survival tip is think of not how far you can go but how far you have come.
Nothing in life is a failure. Just taking the first step is a success. Today if your work is being criticized, then remember there is something others have found to criticize. You have come a long, long way and that’s your achievement. That’s your goal reached and that’s what will give you the strength to continue for another day.
If everyone says the best view comes after the hardest climb, then let them know this is your life and your journey. You are still walking forward and you will keep on going. The best view is never seen unless you enjoy the view you have today. If you keep on climbing in hope to see the best view, you will miss out on today and the best view you do have. This blessed gift of today would just be wasted. How would you be able to judge what is the best view if you ran and skipped all of it to enjoy the last view? My advice is enjoy the view you have today. Strive to have a better view tomorrow, and in between keep the memories alive.
The best views of life are the memories we keep as treasures of life.
Enjoy the journey through life. Don’t try to skip the stairs as then what if you fall? You will neither have today nor tomorrow as then all you will have is nothing.
Climbing the mountain and failing doesn’t mean you have to be sad or happy about it. It just means you plan for tomorrow. If you are able to complete your goal, then with lessons learned become the teacher to those who are still trying to climb. Be the positive messenger and let them know being positive doesn’t mean things will always go toward the plans. It means you keep on walking forward, one step at a time. Be happy with what you have achieved, not disappointed at where you couldn’t go.
The difference between where you are and where you are not is your gift achieved called today. Success is weighed differently. I would tell the winners of a race, they should appreciate I came last as that’s why they came first. So in my judgment, it’s all right to be at the places we are as we accept our achievements, not look at them as failures but as the learned lessons of life.
Don’t score defeat as a defeat, but just learn from what you did wrong.
Don’t judge others or yourself as that’s not a lesson of life. If life is a teacher and you are the student, then you should know you are here to learn, not to give up. My message is don’t worry about where you are and why the other side looks green. Be patient and be happy for others and for your achievements as then you can keep on moving forward. The journey will come to an end as you take the steps your own way.
Walking through difficult times gave me the confidence and ability to comprehend life better. It’s an understanding I have acquired over time. After the darkest nights when dawn finally arrived, I was able to breathe and realize it was okay. I survived and am stronger now. So, eventually as I walked out from each difficult journey, I smiled at the realization of survival and the realization of how beautiful life actually is when you hang in there and wait till the end.
Accept what you have achieved and not what you lost.
Be proud, be grateful. Be happy at the simplest things of life. I realize not everyone can be happy at the simplest gifts of life. So then in my eyes, simplicity wins. From the foothills of a mountain, we the residents are so happy at the imagination of what is there, rather than those who have climbed and are saying “So, that’s it.”
When I get myself ready for a trip, I make so many plans. I make a shopping list, to-do lists, to-see things when I’m at the destination, and much more. Yet as I come back home, I find the notes and the shopping lists all sitting on the table, reminding me I had planned for this for so long, yet the trip had ended so quickly. It’s then I realize planning the trip is so much more fun than the trip itself. So, my advice is preplan things in your life. You don’t get everything done, but enjoy what you do get done. That’s what the lesson of life is, what you have achieved, not what you could not complete.
Like I had said, climbing a mountain doesn’t happen in one day.
Crossing the ocean won’t happen in one night, but preplan and start the journey. You might be at the top of the mountain or at the foothills of the mountain. You might be on one side of the ocean or the other. It’s your life, your journey. You are the traveler traveling in your own time through your own life. Start climbing or start swimming. It’s all part of your one life to live, your way.
Dangers loom around each corner of life. Yet we can’t shelter ourselves always from all the dangers that loom around us. We just try to deal with them as they come unannounced at unknown times. We can’t hide in a cave. We have to be brave and deal with the outcomes of life. Again my message is don’t fear the outcome. Defeat the fears you had by walking through the outcomes. Win or lose, it’s your journey through life. You are the victorious, the winner at all times.
Walk into the dark night without fear. Even in the dark, you will find a friend as you only have to look up and see the twinkling stars. My father passed away a few years ago. When I walk alone in the dark night, I look upon the stars. I wonder if he is watching me from above. When he was here walking by my side, he had said all the stars up in the Heavenly skies are his friends. So even today, I feel happy when I walk outside, knowing today he is not lonely as he has his friends with him. My message is nothing is lost as all is where they have to be. All is where they are to be and we all should accept, let go, and be happy at all outcomes, even though it is really hard at times.
My message to you all is nothing is lost, if only you keep on seeking.
Be kind to yourselves as then you will see how kind the world is to you. Keep on walking forward as you can’t go backward in life. After each dark night, a new dawn begins taking the dark night into the past. When you are faced with obstacles, you will see how you too will cross them, as you have no choice but to move forward. It’s then you will be the fearless and the teacher.
Today if you are facing life’s toughest challenges, know tomorrow will eventually come. You will either succeed or fail. It’s never too late as if you fail, you will have to begin again. This time, you know the path and the obstacles, so just keep on walking forward. Give yourself a break, and don’t be your own judge as then you will see in the mirror the most difficult judge on Earth.
Let the universe be your teacher. Let the night teach you to let go and rest and restart again at dawn. You need to replenish and take a resting break to reset and begin again. It’s never too late. It’s never a failure. It’s all a journey through life. I have taken a break at numerous steps of my life. I realized where and when I can’t do anything, it’s then I must take a break and get back on track as soon as I am able.
Life’s toughest survival tip is keep on moving.
Learn from nature. There are storms that will hit the ground. Snowstorms will hit the mountain tops. Tsunamis will be created in the oceans, yet life still goes on. Be happy, be sad, or be angry, it’s all part of life. I believe it’s all part of the positivity mantras of life. You just have to let go, and go through the process of your own feelings to finally get to the stage where you can say, “I am happy.”
Why don’t you try saying these three words today? Say, “I am happy.” Then, feel it and know today is a blessing and tomorrow is unknown yet you can dream about it as you preplan for tomorrow. Be happy at what you do achieve and not disappointed at what you don’t.
Take this positive dedication with you today as you try to achieve more things tomorrow. The knowledge of knowing I have achieved and am happy at what life gave me through my own hard work is sufficient. Don’t be discouraged but be encouraged through whatever this day has given you. Be happy and know today was your gift to yourself and the world.
Write your story through difficult times as your gifts to others trying to climb a mountain or trying to cross the ocean.
There are numerous stories of how people achieved the goals, but there are only a few of why, how, and what made a person not achieve their goals.
Encourage people with how you did not give up even when you could not achieve the final goals, how you realized the importance of success is not how much you could not achieve yet what you have achieved.
Life is a balance of knowing yourself and being happy with or without completing the tasks you have preplanned. Enjoy whatever you have done. Walk with knowledge that you had failed in the past, you had a hard life, but you know it’s all part of the learning process. It’s your past that taught you today to be the survivor.
My survival tip for you is be kind to yourself and all others who might be smiling or be angry at you.
You don’t know where they are standing in their journey of life. Yet you know where you stand and what you went through. So it matters not if your neighbors or your co-workers or family and friends are nice or harsh. You be kind to yourself and know they too will follow, if not now maybe in the future. We are all travelers traveling through the same journey of life.
My advice is just live life with a positive attitude of whatever lays ahead will be all right. Everything that will happen, will happen for the best as it will be dealt with through life. At this present time, we can all breathe in satisfaction that someone had traveled the same path before us, so we are never the lonely travelers of life. We are the learned travelers who have crossed each obstacle.
So, my life’s toughest survival advice is keep on moving forward. The knowledge you had survived one storm and will survive many more is the best medication of life. My friend was going through COVID-19 and told me she went through this before and had kept a note of what she had gone through. She will go through it again and was not worried. She is COVID-free today. I realized her message for the journey in life is to move on forward with the learned lessons of life. Yes, she said she had a positive attitude in life, but she is always cautious and careful so she doesn’t fall through the cracks.
It’s a hard life we all must travel though, but remember we are stronger than the journey of life.
We keep on moving forward as the wagon of life never stops, it just keeps going. I believe the challenges and obstacles are weak. Life gives us obstacles and we must prove to life we are stronger than her as we are walking through life forward even through her laid out a bed of thorns.
My vacation plan to the foothills of a mountain came true. I was able to go, yet could not go to the mountain top as I didn’t want to go alone. I thought it would be a better vacation if I could be there for my friends rather than go on a climbing adventure all alone. So, I made soups and cooked lunch and dinner as we all came home safely. They all recovered and are doing well. I was blessed to do this small part for my friends. We will go on another trip together soon.
My survival tip is accept the challenges of life.
Embrace them and never give up. For how could an obstacle decide our life’s destiny? We the survivors must decide our destiny, our way. We challenge the obstacles through the journey of our lives for we are the travelers, not the obstacles. So, we cross the obstacles our way, in our own times.
Be the traveler. Travel upon your path, in your own time, through your own life. Be the challenger not the challenged. Prepare for whatever lays ahead and be ready as that’s what winners do, they are ready for life.
Be the brave. Be the best. Give the world your bravest and best input and be happy with the outcomes as life is a one-way road ahead, not backward. Life’s toughest survival tip is keep on moving forward.
Dear life,
I am the positive.
I am defiant.
I know the path
Only leads
As the road
Left behind
I fear not
The dangers
Of life
As I challenge them
And warn them
To stay away
For they had visited
Me in the past.
I closed the doors
They knocked upon,
As I never let them
Knock me out.
While looking back
Toward the past
Nothing exists
Memories and the
Learned lessons
Today I hope,
Today I wish,
Today I preplan
For a better,
Brighter tomorrow,
A hope-filled
That will
Erase the
Dark nights.
Yet today I know
From yesterday’s lessons
Tomorrow might
Bring upon
My life,
What I wish for,
Or tomorrow
Might bring
More waiting periods.
Yet today I have my gift,
As today I can wish,
I can hope,
I can dream
So tomorrow,
I can achieve
My goals.
My dear life,
You will take me
On a journey through
The days ahead,
Yet I will
Take control
Of my destiny
The path I
Shall travel
Upon today.
What is given
And what is taken
Away from
Will be a message
From the future
To the past
As learned
Of a traveler.
As I call these journals
Learned lessons of life.
These are for
The future generation,
Life’s toughest survival tip!