Iced Cafe Brand Coffees : Iced Coffee products

Iced coffee continues to maintain its popularity amongst Gen Z consumers and Millennials alike, so these new Starbucks At Home Iced Coffee products are hitting store shelves to offer an even easier way to enjoy it.

The coffee products include the Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate, Iced Coffee Blend Vanilla and Signature Black Keurig K-Cups, and Iced Coffee Blend Signature Black coffee beans. The brand is also introducing the Creamer Vanilla Latte that’s perfect for cutting the cold coffee with a touch of creaminess and sweetness.

The Starbucks At Home Iced Coffee products are each available now and respond to increased consumer demand for more cost-conscious ways to enjoy their favorite drinks. The at-home nature of the products also responds to the popularity of DIY coffee brewing rather than heading to a cafe.

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