Golden Olympic Burrito Promotions : Team Chipotle

Just in time for the start of the 2024 Pari Olympics, Chipotle has brought back its Team Chipotle menu.

Starting on Monday, July 1, 2024, Chipotle is inviting consumers to eat like Olympians with a series of hearty new digital menu items. Chipotle’s Real Food for Real Athletes initiative focuses of fresh ingredients that help to deliver top performance and the brand wants to make those dishes widely available to all consumers. Some of the Team Chipotle menu highlights include the half chicken, half steak Anthony Edwards Bowl, the chicken and brown rice Sophia Smith Burrito, the double steak Sara Hughes Burrito, and more.

To hammer home this Olympic initiative and help consumers go for their own personal gold, Chipotle will be serving up gold foil burrito wrappers nationwide for a limited time in the United States.

Image Credit: Chipotle

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