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Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day – May 2024 – Carol J. Michel

Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - May 2024 - Carol J. Michel

Welcome to Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day for May 2024.

Here in my USDA Hardiness Zone 6b garden in central Indiana, I’ve been so busy, well, gardening, that I plum forgot that today was bloom day!

Goodness garden gracious!

Well, now that I’ve remembered, I took a few pictures and will give you a brief look at what’s in bloom, but it’s only a glimpse!

First up is Straw Floxglove, Digitalis lutea. I have a bunch of it that weaves in and out of the garden, making friends with a perennial sage behind it.

I’m not sure which sage that is but it might possibly likely be ‘May Nights.’ Or something else.

Elsewhere in that garden bed, which I call Plopper’s Field because I tend to plop plants in there wherever there’s a blank spot, the ox-eye daisies, Leucanthemum vulgare, are also blooming.

Yes, I let them self-sow a bit because they are easy enough to pull out where you don’t want them.

Do you see that ‘Bartzella’ peony there to the right? That’s one of three in my garden. The other two in front bloomed at least a week earlier but they were in full sun. This one in the back gets a bit of shade.

Oh, you want a close up? Sure thing!

Peeking out is a clematis. I’m guessing it’s Clematis integrifolia, which has shorter stems and doesn’t really climb like other clematis.

Near that bed, just across a little slip of lawn is the Birds’ Blanket garden. I planted out the violas that were in the pots on the patio along the edge of that bed in hopes they will wildly self-sow all over the place.

Go violas, go!

So that’s all I have pictures of for this month’s bloom day.

Trust me that geraniums, like ‘Rozanne,’ are all blooming, as are roses, alliums, and blue dogbane. Plus, out in the vegetable garden the peas are blooming along with the strawberries. In fact, I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve already picked about 10 pounds of strawberries from my little strawberry strip!

And that’s Garden Bloggers’ Bloom Day. Sorry to be late!

It’s easy to join in this meme. Just post somewhere about the blooms in your garden—on your blog or Instagram or TikTok, wherever—then come here to leave a comment, along with a link in the Mr. Linky widget so we can find you!

We can have flowers nearly every month of the year. ~ Elizabeth Lawrence

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