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DNPA Code of Ethics is a news-oriented platform covering a wide array of topics including world news, sports, automobiles, technology, entertainment, education, and lifestyle in India. We adhere to the DNPA (Digital News Publishers Association) Code of Ethics to ensure responsible digital publishing while upholding the independence of content creators within a framework of guidelines.

The DNPA Code of Ethics outlines high standards and practices in digital news publishing to maintain credibility and independence. It does not interfere with publishers’ day-to-day operations but aims to uphold journalistic integrity and professionalism.

We abide by the laws of India, including the Constitution, media-related laws, provisions of the Indian Penal Code, Criminal Procedure Code, and the Information Technology Act, 2000, where applicable.

Our commitment to accuracy, transparency, and fairness is paramount. We refrain from publishing inaccurate, baseless, or distorted material and ensure mandatory pre-publication verification. Defamation is avoided, and adherence to applicable laws and rules is crucial.

We respect intellectual property rights, including copyright, and obtain prior permission for the use of copyrighted material. Trade Marks and Service Marks of third parties are used with permission or under fair use guidelines.

In reporting sensational matters and crimes, we preserve the presumption of innocence and avoid speculation. Reporting on sensitive issues like sexual harassment, child abuse, and communal disputes is conducted with care and based on facts.

We have a grievance redressal mechanism in place, following the Information Technology Act, 2000, and appointing a grievance officer to address complaints promptly.

Training and awareness programs are conducted regularly for editorial staff to ensure compliance with laws and guidelines, including those related to media, defamation, copyright, and reporting on sensitive issues.

Privacy is respected, especially for individuals not in the public eye, and caution is exercised in reporting on communal or religious disputes. Reporting on courts and judicial matters is done with accuracy and neutrality, ensuring coverage of all relevant perspectives without commentary.

Overall, is committed to upholding ethical standards in digital news publishing, promoting accuracy, fairness, and responsible journalism.

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