Insight Tribune

DNA Sequencing Systems : Illumina Inc

DNA Sequencing Systems : Illumina Inc

Illumina, Inc. has introduced the MiSeq™ i100 Series, a new line of benchtop sequencing systems designed to enhance laboratories’ next-generation sequencing (NGS) capabilities. This series, which includes the MiSeq i100 and MiSeq i100 Plus systems, offers a variety of benefits, providing labs with a streamlined approach to sequencing even for those with minimal NGS expertise.

The MiSeq i100 Series delivers a comprehensive sequencing solution, empowering users to generate valuable insights quickly and efficiently. Both models are designed to simplify sequencing, making it accessible to a broader range of labs, including those with limited technical experience in NGS. The systems are engineered to minimize operational complexity, enabling users to conduct sequencing tasks efficiently.

“The MiSeq i100 symbolizes Illumina’s commitment to delivering total systems with complete workflows that allow our customers to accomplish more,” said Steve Barnard, PhD, chief technology officer of Illumina. “With its enhanced speed, simplicity, scalability, and quality–and its intuitive user experience–the MiSeq i100 sets a new standard for benchtop sequencing.”

Image Credit: Illumina, Inc.

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