Cultivated Meat Pop-Ups : freedom of food

Florida’s ban on cultivated meat is set to take effect on July 1st, 2024 and UPSIDE Foods’ Freedom of Food pop-up will give Floridians a chance to taste cultivated meat before it goes into effect. The one-night-only event on June 27th invites people in Miami to advocate for food freedom with the cultivated meat company.

“This law disregards food safety experts, limits consumer choice, and stifles American innovation,” says Dr. Uma Valeti, CEO and Founder of UPSIDE Foods, “It’s a setback for progress, job creation, and Florida’s potential in a new industry.”

At the free pop-up event, guests can get a taste of UPSIDE’s cultivated chicken on a first-come, first-served basis. The event co-hosted with The Brick and Timber Collective also features renowned Miami chef, restaurant owner and TV personality, Mika Leon, and mixologist Gio Gutierrez.

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