Cookie Dough Snack Bars : Cookie Dough Snack Bars

At the 2024 Sweets & Snacks Expo, Whoa Dough shared the latest updates to its Cookie Dough Snack bars, including enhanced recipes and fresh new packaging for the better-for-you snackable product.

“Following our participation in Mondelez International’s CoLab program, we identified a gap in consumer awareness regarding the contents of a Whoa Dough bar package and the essence of ‘Whoa Dough’ itself,” said Whoa Dough founder Todd Goldstein, “We seized the opportunity to inject some fun into our packaging with shareable ‘Whoaments’ that encourage consumer interaction on social media.” Now, the brand’s enhanced snack bar recipe is softer and more closely resembles homemade raw cookie dough.

The brand’s Cookie Dough snack bars also sport revamped packaging with more prominent product images and a #Whoament or fascinating fact on the reverse.

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