China & Nepal reopen traditional border trade point

After a four-year hiatus, the traditional border trade point between China and Nepal in Shigatse, Xizang autonomous region, has officially reopened, marking a significant milestone in the economic partnership between the two countries. The reopening occurred over the weekend and was celebrated with a ceremony in the town of Chentang, Dinggye county, Shigatse.

At the Chentang Traditional Border Trade Point, 110 Chinese merchants and 47 Nepalese merchants conducted transactions involving over 50 types of goods. The reopening was formally announced by Silang Nima, deputy chairman of the autonomous region, and Narayan Kaji Shrestha, Nepal’s deputy prime minister and foreign minister.

“We will steadfastly implement the Chinese government’s friendly policies toward Nepal, continue to pursue an open strategy of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation, and deepen practical cooperation in areas such as border trade infrastructure construction, customs clearance capacity enhancement and project implementation to continuously create a bright future for China-Nepal relations,” said Chinese media reports quoting Silang Nima.

The traditional border trade point between China and Nepal in Shigatse, Xizang has reopened, marked by a ceremony in Chentang, Dinggye county.
The event saw 110 Chinese and 47 Nepalese merchants trading over 50 goods.
Officials highlighted deepening cooperation in trade infrastructure and customs.
Other trade points in Shigatse also reopened.

The event was attended by government officials, leaders from both nations, and over 300 local residents, highlighting the importance of the occasion.

Additionally, other traditional trade points between China and Nepal in Shigatse, including those in Mayum (Drongba county), Tubarong (Saga county), Zonga (Gyirong county), Zhashigang (Nyalam county), Rongshar (Dingri county), and Ri’og (Dinggye county), also reopened.

Fibre2Fashion News Desk (DP)

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