Breaking current limitation of electrochemical CO2 reduction via silica-hydroxide cycle

Alkaline local pH during vigorous electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR) can improve the activity and selectivity of CO2RR. However, it also leads an alkalinity problem that hydroxide ion obstructs the mass transfer of CO2 to the active site, thereby limiting the current density. In this study, we introduce the silica-hydroxide cycle, which moderates the local pH by redistributing hydroxide ion, analogous to carbonate-silicate cycle responsible for the drawdown of atmospheric CO2 on Earth. In the membrane electrode assembly (MEA) of CO2 electrolyzer, SiO2 undergoes weathering due to the high local pH and consequently consumes OH, reducing the pH within the MEA. The dissolved silicate ion moves to membrane and are almost regenerated to SiO2 with releasing OH. Geological and spectral observations suggest that the silica-hydroxide cycle draw down the local pH thereby enhancing mass transfer of CO2, breaking limitation of current density for CO2RR. Our work proposes new chemical approaches to increase current density, mainly improved by physical methods and contributes valuable insight for improving variety of electrochemical systems.

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