Bird-Inspired Earbud Concepts : tweettunes

Jinho Choi and Seunghun Jeong designed the Tweettunes earbud concept, which meets high standards of an ergonomic structure and acoustic design. The silhouette resembles a pair of birds that are singing into the wearer’s ears. The larger section of the earbuds is meant to go into the ear canals and the tapered tip section is bulbous at the base foundation.

It is meant to resemble the look of a pudgy bird and specifically a bird wearing an astronaut helmet. The birds are imagined to be sitting on top of a branch, which in this case is represented by the stalk of the earbuds. When it is resting, there is a special stand that mimics a small tree trunk.

Image Credit: Jinho Choi, Seunghun Jeong

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