Barnard Griffin Riesling delivers classic balance for just $15

When I saw Barnard Griffin’s riesling on sale at a local store recently, I couldn’t resist snapping up a bottle, as this was one of my early favorite wineries from Washington state. The winery is now in its second generation, as founders Rob Griffin and Deborah Barnard have their youngest daughter, Megan Hughes, winemaker. The wine didn’t disappoint. (Look for their rosé of sangiovese, too!) Also this week, we have an outstanding rosé from Provence and an eye-opening, savory syrah-dominant red from Luberon from film director Ridley Scott.

Barnard Griffin Riesling 2021

Columbia Valley, Wash., $15

Here’s a classic Columbia Valley riesling from one of my favorite Washington wineries, now in its second generation. The wine is slightly off-dry, and features flavors of apples and pears. It’s beautifully balanced and delicious on its own or with lighter fare. Alcohol by volume: 12.3 percent. Bottle weight: 450 grams (Light).

Distributed locally by Winebow.

Roseblood d’Estoublon Rosé 2023

Côteaux Varois en Provence, France, $25

As the name suggests, this rosé is floral, with aromas of rose and lavender wrapped around flavors of strawberries and raspberries. The texture is soft, giving an impression of sweetness while the acidity quietly carries the wine to a dry finish. ABV: 12.5 percent. BW: 650 grams (Heavy).

Imported by Vintus. Distributed locally by RNDC.

Mas des Infirmières Source Rouge 2021

Mas des Infermières is the summer estate of filmmaker Ridley Scott in the Luberon appellation of the Rhône Valley, north of Aix-en-Provence. The red wine is predominantly syrah, giving it a savory sensibility similar to the syrah-based wines of the northern Rhône, while 30 percent grenache adds brightness and power. The label also makes a delicious rosé (of grenache and syrah) and a fantastic white (grenache blanc, rolle and roussanne); the red is a step above. The winery is certified as “haute valeur environnementale” for sustainability, as well as “bee-friendly.” ABV: 14 percent. BW: 560 grams (Average).

Imported and distributed locally by Baron Francois.

Prices are approximate. For availability, check, and the websites and social media feeds of the wineries, importers, distributors, and your favorite local wine store. You can also ask your local retailer to order wines from the distributors listed. Bottle weight is included, because this is the single most important contributor to wine’s carbon footprint. Have wine questions for Dave McIntyre? Send them to [email protected].

★ Good: The wine delivers what it promises at a fair price. If it says chardonnay, it tastes like chardonnay.

★★ Excellent: A wine with character and added interest. May elevate your eyebrows at the first sip.

★★★ Extraordinary: An exciting wine that stands out from others in its class. Fist-pumping, table-thumping good.

★★★★ Sublime: Otherworldly. May have you thinking, “So this is what they were talking about.”

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