Shattered Wings: Diary Of A Child Bride is a novel where you will witness a journey of a mother and her sacrifice wrapped in a gothic and paranormal world. This Mother’s Day, why don’t you all open the pages of this phenomenal book? “Sacrifice for you my child is not a sacrifice, but all my love and blessings.” A mother’s prayers for her child never fails nor does it die even after the earthly body does. For a mother’s prayers fall from Heaven above like rainfall, or like the warm rays of the sun as they touch her children and protect them even from beyond. 

This Mother’s Day, why don’t you try to stand under the heavenly skies and feel the blessings of your mother if she is far away from you, or even if she is standing next to you?

For remember a mother’s sacrifice is all her love, not sacrifice.
This world knows the bond between a mother and a child is tied in a knot. In the womb, this bond provides for the unborn child. Yet after the child is born, this bond becomes an invisible bond which never separates, even in distance, not in life nor in death. I have authored one such book where you will find out how powerful the prayers of a mother are. You will know why women are not just the silent prisoners of abuse and sufferings but become warriors when their unborn or born children are in question.

Shattered Wings: Diary Of A Child Bride is such a sweet and delicate book where you will cry, laugh, and even be angry for the child bride as you will want to fight for her and others like her.

This is such a book where you will see how a mother forgets she is a child herself and fights for her own children even though she had to walk alone in this world as she had no one else to voice for her fights. Yet in my paranormal world, she will get help from my paranormal Kasteel Vrederic family members. For that’s the power of my pen.
This Mother’s Day, find out how a child bride fights for her child! Walking over shattered glass, Ahana Roy recites she will walk alone in this shattered glass world where no one hears her cries, nor do they see her tears. The painful harsh people have made this beautiful world a world of glass, where they hide themselves within and away from all the sufferings of the others. Yet her love for her own children broke the barriers of a tortured prisoner and had awakened a warrior! 

Read the story of a lonely, bruised, and battered child bride who fights for her children as she repeats sacrifice for you my child is not a sacrifice but all my love.

Maybe then you too will know a mother’s journey never ends. It begins as you the child enter her body and fight to become a living human. Your mother fights for you before and after your birth. Remember her today and know she too is thinking about you today.
This is a paranormal gothic tale where I have woven miracles from the beyond as with my pen, I can change and rewrite the fate of all my characters. In this book, you will see miracles, ghosts, time travelers and dreams guiding all. This book is a stand-alone yet is based in the Kasteel Vrederic world where miracles are just that miracles. You just have to believe in it for it to come true. Then, it will actually awaken your faith in dreams, reincarnation, and a lot more as the power of this belief will protect you with a hug.

A Mother’s Day gift for yourself and for all mothers who know and believe in the blessings of a mother never goes unheard.

All mothers keep their children in their embrace and never send them away crying even if the children were wrong or right. A mother nurses her children like a miracle prayer from the beyond. Wrap your children within your embrace of prayers and never let them go, for just like a mother’s prayers, remember the child you had held once in your arms is also a miracle from the beyond.
This Mother’s Day, awaken your inner love for the bond of the mother and the child. Even when everything is lost, your bond continues throughout time if on this Earth there is one mother and one child alive. The bond does not have to be by birth as you will see in my book, I have shown you. This bond can be made through love too.

An adoptive mother and her children are bound together not through the umbilical cord but through the love and sacrifice of a mother.

Remember this Mother’s Day, a mother is not always born by giving birth but at times by just raising a child. Hold on to the love of a mother if you are the adopted child or the birth child. A mother’s love has no boundaries as it crosses all borders of this world and heavens above when she holds on to you, and you hold on to her.

Enjoy reading this miraculous novel where a child bride fights for her children.

Be a part of her journey where you will maybe then fight for all the Ahana Roys of this world. Let not another child cry in the corners of this lonely world where they are to raise a child and not play with a childlike doll.

Wherever you are today, remember all the mothers and their children. If you are an orphan, may my prayers protect you. If you are estranged from your mothers or children, it’s all right for you too are in my prayers. Mother Earth will hold on to you as she holds on to and provides for all her children.
My books are my gifts and blessings for all of you the mothers, the fathers, and the children of this one world. When you open and read my books, you will know within all the pages of my books, I have spread my love and blessings in them. A prayer from an unknown soul will never go unheard, as my prayers for all of you and your prayers for me will be our bond eternally.
This Mother’s Day, do be happy and don’t spread tears or spend the day alone. Spend it with a book and know this is the bridge of union and blessings for all of you who are seeking a mother’s, or a child’s, or a sister’s blessings.
I will keep authoring new adventurous and magical books filled with love and blessings for all of you. Sacrifice for all of you is not a sacrifice but all my love. Now go and read a mother’s sacrifice and her love represented by Ahana Roy in my book Shattered Wings: Diary Of A Child Bride.
Sending my love and blessings from San Diego!

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