6 Spiritual Meanings of the Common Grackle — Amanda Linette Meder

1 – Time To Be Opportunistic

As mentioned above, Grackles will eat almost anything. 

From french fries and hotdogs at a picnic, to insects and small fish, they are always looking for their next meal. They’re omnivores and do not often turn down foods, even foods that are difficult to open.

When you encounter a Grackle, it could be a sign that you also need to be similarly open to the opportunities that come your way. If you typically turn your nose up at certain things or are picky about specific topics, now is the time to let that stuff go to embrace your next golden ticket.

2 – Mimic What You Like

Grackles are copycats. They will mimic sounds from humans and other birds, and while they aren’t as precise as the parrot or mockingbird, they do vocal imitations.

If a Grackle has appeared, it can be a sign to model what you admire – not so closely that your work is mistaken for the original, but close enough that you’re stretching what you’re capable of in either your career or hobbies.

Imitation is the highest form of flattery and in our culture, it’s how fashion trends form and innovations become the norm.

3 – Use Your Magnetic Sense

Grackles have a mineral in their heads, beaks and necks known as magnetite, suggesting that they have the ability to use the geomagnetic field as a navigation aid. Research suggests humans also have the ability to sense Earth’s magnetic field, using brain waves.

When a Grackle flies into your life, it is your sign to trust your sensitivity to Earth’s energies.

4 – Break Through Tough Nuts

Grackles have a horny palate in their bill that allows them to break through tougher nutshells. They also soften hard foods in water before they eat it.

If a Grackle appears in your life, think about how you can crack the code on tough situations in order to get the prize inside. Solve difficult puzzles before giving up on them, using the skills you’ve learned along the way. 

5 – Be Brazen

Crackles have adapted to human habitation. You will often see them acting boldly around you, and talking very loudly, as if they don’t even care that you exist. 

Sorry to say this but: it’s the Grackle’s world and you’re just living in it.

When Grackles show up, it can symbolize a time of courage, boldness and attention getting. You may need to turn up the volume of your chatter or get so close to others that they can’t ignore you.

6 – Support For Those Who Have Been Shunned

As a Spirit Power Animal, Grackles are community focused. Call on the Grackle if you’ve encountered a period in your life where your circumstances went against the social norms. 

Grackle can help your message be understood by society, despite the shunning, criticism or judgments.

Grackles also help you reach out to others who have been misunderstood or shunned by a society that often looks down on things it doesn’t want to understand. You can call on the Grackle to bring these people back into the fold.

Using the Grackle’s energy, you can understand social outcasts, even if that is you, despite apparent or superficial differences.

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